Here is Sam finally caught on camera, walking. He is getting quite good. And yes, I know there is a soother in his mouth - it keeps him from screaming. Don't worry he will mysteriously loose it when he turns 2! But he's walking!! Hurray! He is so proud of himself and he loves to snuggle.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Aidan had a loose tooth. He wiggled and wiggled and wiggled it until finally on Thursday, Nov 27 it fell out at school. He was so excited to greet me at the end of the day and to show me his right of passage. His best friend, Brady, also lost the same tooth that day too, so they were both very excited that the tooth fairy was going to see them that night.
Here is Aidan showing off his wiggly tooth. Luckily we didn't need any string or a door nob - right Uncle John!!
Here he is showing off his missing tooth. The tooth fairy came and brought him $2, he was quite happy with that, especially when I told him that when I was a little girl, she brought me a quarter!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Curls Be Gone!
So I did it!!! I cut off the curls! He was starting to look like a wild-haired child and Chris really wanted him to have a hair cut. So we gave all three a hair cut on Thurs night in the bathroom. Sam was the last and the most dramatic change. I think he looks pretty darn handsome though. For the past two days he has been rubbing his head wondering where his hair went!! He's too cute!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sadly, they are related to me!!
These are my GOONS! Ben and Aidan were having fun making faces as they were looking at themselves in the view finder. They are too cute. Sam is trying to get up on the couch and you can see/hear how he communicates!!! I need words!
Caught on Camera!
Sam has started standing up by himself and is quite the tough little guy. He stands up and falls down and gets right back up again. He's quite proud of himself!! We also caught him taking a step. Also seen in this video is Ben doing his laps around the house!!
Sam is a ham!!
Sam getting ready to stand up.
Sam in his new jammies! Doesn't like the hat though! He needed new warm PJ's because he keeps waking up in the night when he's uncovered. I want a night's sleep uninterrupted!!!
Having Fun
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Another BIG First for Sam!!
I don't have a picture to accompany this post, but Sam walked for the first time last night!!! He was helping me put laundry in the dryer and I told him to close the door for me. He did and then was left standing on his own, I don't think he realized he was standing all by himself. And before I could say anything he took about 4 steps over to the dryer to bang on the window!! I was so happy, I congratulated him loudly and Chris heard me and came running down to see (he figured what I was cheering about). We could only get him to take 1 or 2 steps between us. BUT HE WALKED!!!!!! Now if we could just get him to talk!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Open and Closed
Here is a little clip of Sam performing for me. He's so smart!! And you just have to love those curls!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
We See White Stuff!!!!
It has finally happened, winter has flown in Winnipeg. We are thankful it waited until after Halloween!! We woke up yesterday morning to the ground covered in the lovely white stuff. The kids were quite excited! It was a really easy morning to get Ben up and going, we just showed him the snow and told him he had to get dressed so he could go out in it! He was quite cooperative!
The boys looking out the window at the snow. Aidan was excited because he got to wear his new winter jacket and new boots. Sam I think just wanted to see what the big brothers were checking out, just happy to be part of the crowd!
Chris is actually smiling in the picture, we'll see if he's still smiling in a month. I love having the garage because at least one car is clean.
Ben checking out the snow. He came home from daycare and wanted to go out and play in the backyard, so we bundled him up and put his snow pants on and he was out there for about half an hour by himself exploring the yard and the playstucture. He loved it!! He only came in once to get me to make a snow ball for him. The snow is not the kind for making snowmen here, so I had to get my hands cold and make him one with heat from my hands! The things we do for our kids!!
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