Monday, July 26, 2010

Sam is 3!

Sam celebrated his 3rd birthday today with lots of friends and loads of fun! We went to Tinkertown with a great group of friends and their kids. 11 kids, 5 adults, pure fun at the amusement park!!!

After Tinkertown, my friend Kim (from Greenwood) and her children Aidan and Nathan came back to the house for hot dogs and cake. Sam had so much fun opening is presents. Comments made by him included, "Oooooo!", "Oh I wike dis", "Look Ben, it's Buzz Whiteyear!"

Sam also got a new bike from us. We figured he would like it better because it has no pedels. He has a bike that has training wheels and pedels but he prefers to walk beside it rather than ride it. He rode this all over the house and when we got him outside, he was off like a shot!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Sam!!
We ended the day with a swim in a neighbours pool. It was 32C here today and hot and muggy. We swam in the pool while thunder rumbled around us. We got out when we saw lightening. It was a great day!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


It's been a long while since I have posted anything. The boys are enjoying swimming in the neighbors pool across the street this summer. We have an open invitation to use the pool whenever we want. We have actaully had this invitation since we moved in but now that all 3 kids can swim, we are really making use of it this summer. Here are some pictures of the boys in the pool.
Sam is swimming all on his own with a lifejacket on. It took him 2 weeks to get comfortable enough to swim on his own, flip from his back to his front and to jump off the diving board without being caught.

Chris pushes Aidan into the pool using "The Force"!