Monday, April 20, 2009

Sad Day for Ben

Poor Ben, his fish died last night and he is devistated. He told me how sad he was with big crocodile tears streaming down his face and explained to me that he needed to have a pet, he just couldn't live without a pet of his own. We had a little fishy toilet bowl cermony this morning to say good bye to "Thomas Fishy" Ben's Siamese Fighting Fish. Here's how the fish died...

We let the kids stay up a bit late last night to watch the movie "Bedtime Stories". It was really good. For whatever reason, Ben was wound up. When Chris and I went to bed at 10:30, he was still up and into mischief. Chris scolded him and went to tuck him in bed and found that Ben had somehow scooped the fish into a little wooden treasure box he had and placed him in bed with him so they could sleep together!! There was water everywhere and by the time Chris threw "Thomas Fishy" back into his bowl the damage was done. He lived a little while longer but died in the night. I tried to save him by changing his water so that there was more oxygen available to him and to get rid of any paint chemicals that may have been in the water from the painted wooden treasure box, but it didn't work.

We are not ready to get a dog yet - all children must be potty trained! But I am too scared to get a hamster, gerbil or guinea pig for fear of what he could possible do to it, or where it could end up (in the walls comes to mind). So for now, he knows that the fish has to stay in its own home, I think we will have to get another fish.

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